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SIP Timers

  • Posted on: March 1, 2021
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Round Trip Time Estimate (T1) Estimated time it takes for a SIP packet to make a round trip from the device to the far end and back.
Max Retransmit Interval (T2) The maximum retransmit interval for non-INVITE requests and INVITE responses.
Invite Retry Times The maximum number of times that a SIP INVITE is retransmitted if no response is received. According to RFC3261, INVITE requests are retransmitted at an interval which starts at T1 and doubles until it hits T2, and then repeats at interval T2. The BT device stops retries when a 32 second cap is reached, or the max number of INVITE retries has been attempted.
Non Invite Retry Times The maximum number of times that a SIP message other than an INVITE request is retransmitted if no response is received. According to RFC3261, Non-INVITE requests are retransmitted at an interval which starts at T1 and doubles until it hits T2, and then repeats at interval T2. The BT device stops retries when a 32 second cap is reached, or the max number of non-INVITE retries has been attempted.
Register Expiration Time Expiration time of a SIP registration requested by the BT device.
If the timer is set to be x seconds, the BT device re-registers at ReregisterPercentage of the expiration time (e.g. x*90% seconds).
Register Retry Interval After a SIP registration failure, the BT device will wait for this time interval in seconds before re-attempting to register, as long as the “retry-after” SIP header field is non-zero. This behavior is also dependent on the “Allowed for Reg. Retry” configuration as this determines if the BT device will retry registration.
If this parameter is set to zero, the BT device will not try to register again after a registration failure.
Re-register Percentage Configure the time for the BT device to Re-register based on the percentage of the value of Registration Expiry Time (see above).
Signal bullet Interval Time between sending dummy keep-alive UDP packets. Set to 0 to disable sending out signaling bullet packets
Min Session Timeout Enable session Audit.
SIP OPTIONS Ping Interval Time interval between sending SIP OPTIONS ping messages.
RTP bullet Interval Time between sending an empty keep-alive RTP packet to keep a port open. Set to 0 to disable sending out RTP bullet packets.


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