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SIP Option

  • Posted on: March 1, 2021
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SIP Option Settings


100rel Support Enable 100rel response support.
Enable Switching Proxy in Response to DNS SRV Priority Changes When this item is enabled, whenever the BT device is ready to send a REGISTER request and the SRV TTL has expired, it performs an SRV query and the BT device will switch to the most preferred SIP server (lowest priority) in the SRV query response.
If this item is disabled, the BT device stays with the currently registered SIP proxy and only saves the SRV query results. However, if the current SIP proxy is unreachable, or the BT device reboots and starts a new DNS query process, the BT device will then register to the most preferred SIP server (lowest priority) in the SRV query response.
Disable rport Support Do not append rport (response port number) in the Via header.
Using SIP Notify for Flashhook Support Send a SIP NOTIFY hook flash event message during the call when a hook flash is detected.
Using SIP Info for Flashhook Support Send a SIP INFO hook-flash event message during the call when a hook flash is detected.
SIP Short Header Send SIP Headers in short format (compact form) to reduce message packet size.
Enable Re-registration Credential Enable Re-registrations to carry the previously successful authentication credentials.
OutOfBand DTMF by SIP Use SIP INFO to send DTMF.
RFC2833 DTMF Use RFC2833 for sending DTMF digits.
Available options: [Negotiated – BT device and SIP Server negotiate if RFC2833 is enabled or not.| Always off – RFC2833 is never used.| Always on – RFC2833 is always used]
Send UA Header Allow BT device to send User-Agent Header in SIP message.
UA Header Format The User-Agent Header sent out is modifiable.
(Note: If “SIP Short Header Support” is enabled, there will be no UA Header in SIP messages.)
Available parameters: [ Model name ($MOD) | MAC ($MAC) | Version ($VER)] Example Syntax: $MOD $MAC $VER.
Output: SIP User-Agent: BT110 001099112233 V1.0.0.0
Refer at End of 3way Call Send REFER when mixer (local BT device) hangs up, so the other two parties can continue the conversation.
Accept resync/check-sync/reboot When enabled, the BT device supports events triggered by SIP NOTIFY messages sent to the BT device from the SIP server. Event types are:
(1) check-sync. BT device reboots itself and starts the provisioning process.
(2) reboot. Same as “check-sync”. BT device reboots itself (and starts the provisioning process).
(3) resync. BT device starts the provisioning process only.
Call Hold with Zero IP Use in SDP for call hold.
Hook Flash MIME Type Input the MIME type string for Flash hook events.


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