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  • Posted on: March 1, 2021
  • By:


Security Settings

Enable SIP Server List When this feature is enabled, the BT device will check all incoming SIP request messages for their source IP address. If the source IP is not in the “SIP Server list”, the BT device rejects or drops this message.
The BT device initially creates a “SIP Server list” which contains the IP addresses resolved from the settings of “Proxy Server”, “SIP Domain” and the “EMS Server”. See also below for adding additional Trusted SIP entities.
Action on Failed Validation Drop silently. The BT device simply drops the incoming SIP request messages. Reject with 400. The BT device replies with an SIP error response code of 400 to the sender
Additional Trusted SIP Entities Input one or more addresses (IP or FQDN) for additional servers from which the BT device will accept incoming SIP messages. Use comma (,) to separate each entry when there are multiple addresses. These servers are in addition to those in the “SIP Server List” which the BT device automatically creates (see above).


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